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When I’m not running around the kitchen I will introduce you to my world of food with topics that matter to me as a chef. The industries public image has evolved so much over the last 15 years and it’s easy to imagine chefs living glamorous, crazy, fun lifestyles. I will try to be as honest as possible with readers while discussing topics and ideas that come from personal experience – showing the awsome the bad and the ugly.
When not cooking or eating I’m either thinking about food, trying not to eat food or reading about food. So here I am, not cooking or eating but deciding to share my thoughts and opinions on a topic I love..
So please enjoy tales from the hot side of the pass, i encourage comments and commentary on the blog posts. Also if you feel a connection or can relate then share my stories & your thoughts with the world.
Chef Ryan
New Article

I guess this article comes from my own thoughts on how we identify with food, not only taste and preference but other influences and historical relevance. Cultural significance will forever be part of a countries food identity, food itself is possibly the most...
“There is nothing ordinary about food – it’s complicated, it’s simple, it stirs memories and often brings back feelings of immense joy. Food will either nourish your body or destroy your health depending on your lifestyle. Complete cultures are based around food and its relation to our lives over the centuries. As humanity evolves so do our expectations of food and the dining experience”

Who is Chef Ryan?
… When he was a kid he wanted to be a professional skateboarder or a rock star. That’s it.
” I was born in one of the only countries cursed with nearly no history of food – Australia. Im definitely not saying that native Australians don’t have there own cuisine only that their expertise was in foraging and hunting, rather then developing cooking styles or recipes like the Chinese or Italians. Modern Australian chefs today can all learn from the skills of the native Australians, foraging and open fire cooking has gone full circle with the world realising that flames, smoke & ash are real flavour in themselves.
Australia makes up for its short culinary history by producing some of the most amazing natural products on earth. It doesn’t matter how you look at it, Australia is the “Garden of Eden” when it comes to fresh produce. “
Professional Chef
Cooking my way around the world including Norway, Russia, Australia, Thailand and Hong Kong. With Stints in the Netherlands, Amman, Greater China and the Philippines.
Opinionated Foodie
Meaning I have my own strong opinions on the subject of food, restaurants and eating, It definitely doesn’t mean i’m always right.
Wannabe Writer
Im not highly educated and I’m barely literate, but there is something satisfying about putting my experiences and words on paper or digital…or whatever.
Latest Articles
I guess this article comes from my own thoughts on how we identify with food, not only taste and preference but other influences and historical relevance. Cultural significance will forever be part of a countries food identity, food itself is possibly the most...
If food was ever so integrated into a nations identity then it's most visible in Thailand. Food carts, hawkers and local eateries are the mortar that binds Thailand together, to walk through local areas in Bangkok or rural food markets is to immerse yourself in smells...
Ok before we get started I want to make one thing clear, I have nothing against food guides or the amazing chefs that are awarded Michelin stars. I have friends and colleagues who hold or have held stars, they are influential and talented chefs producing delicious...
How do you measure success in the culinary world? Is it about the dining experience, flavor, creativity and skill or is the cash still king regardless of what enters the dining room? Should it reflect critical acclaim and Michelin stars or only what coin remains when...
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